Wednesday, 26 September 2012

mOOdY =(

tOday super mOOdy, feel like wanna kill everyone around mE...
Why must my life so sufferING , test 3 , OSCE , ceremony dance and also most of us in claSS get influenza A...
I just wanna be a normal college student...but i'm not...=(

<<<<<  HEMATOMA happens on mY knee =(


ActuaLLy life can be full with colour , but my lifE todaY just like BlaCk & WhItE... =(((
I Wish to be strong
I Wish i can hold my tears
I Wish i can face all the challenges strongLy
BUT can I ???

EvEn MySELF also don'T knoW...

          i jUST WanNA bE In My HOME... ...

Sunday, 23 September 2012

LoVeLy SuNdAy

TodaY is loveLy sunDay... =D
YesterDay practice procedure for 6 hours oh !!! =(
TheN toDay sleep for 10 hours...
Wake up and eat then slEEp again...XD

Althuogh i knoW exaM is just around the corner,
BUT i'm to lazy to stuDy...
I just wanna eat and slEEp like DoRaEmON...=P

ReLaX On SUndAy oh ! ! !

Friday, 21 September 2012

OuTinG wiTH my DeArS FrendZ. . .

 Today went to MidValley after class with my dearS FrendZ. jUST out from college the "CUTE" promoter of RiBeNA promotes to us about the new flavour of their product...
my CoNclUsiOn is the drinks is too SWEET ah...=p

When we reach MidValley we saw lots of mooncakes, i wish to buy DoRaEmOn mooncakes but it's to eXpAnSiVE lol. . . =( 

Then we went to "Rak Thai" restoran to have our dinner...
The "Tom Yam Gai" soup is just sssooo spicy to taste...@.@
the Tom Yam Fried rice and Pineapple Fried rice is just nice to taste...=D

After dinner we buy SnAcKs as the soup is to spicy and make us feel +++ hungrY...

Last but no least, desserts AFtER dinneR...
TuMmY + NiCE 

afteR thAt I also bought suShi AND poPia for supper + tomorrow lunch...
Not only that, BUT also chickEn Puff + hotDog breaD..

ToDaY my suMMary is = mY tuMMy is ArOuNd mY Waist aahhh ! ! !
But I enjOY ReleaSEing streSS by EaTInG... ( >m< )

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Ermmm. . .

OpEN another bloG is to PUT DOWN all the saD memorY btw U & mE...=)
flAsh back the momentS with u i feel HaPpY, sAd, AnGry...
But now is time to let it oVer... =D
Anyway now all the memorY btw U & ME will just become one piece of my puZzLesss...

NoW all the new memory will be recorded in my coMing soon neW cameRa...>o<
HoPe i can save enough money to BUY this...=P

NEW blog, NEW life, NEW memory and a brand NEW me... ! ! !

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

aDD OiL ! ! !

eVerYDay have to go to class 0800-1600, then 1600-1800 practice for practical test...
THEN, need to study for test 3 AgAin...
ALthough is a stressful life but still need continue...
howEver got mummy's home ccok FooD as DInner  =P
THaNKS mummy for cook so much delicious foods for me...
I appreciate it SO MUCH...
THanK u mummY ...=D

Monday, 17 September 2012

ReAch TTCL CON again =(

 Went back to IpoH at 15/9 after class by train, just to relax after exaM week =)
Get to go shoppinG at AEON, MYDIN and also pasar malam, although just 2 and a 1/2 days at my lovelY hometown...
BUT still
thanks a lot to my MummY who cook lots of delicious foods foR mE...XD

Packed all the foods and soup back to college =P
ChIcKeN CuRrY  -  ChIcKeN lEgs wItH mUsHrOOm  ABC soup  -  VegEs  -  IkAn bIliS
YuMMy YuMMy YuMMy !  !  !