Monday, 31 December 2012

byE 2012 !!! WelcOme 2013 !!!

Boom ! BooM ! bOOm !
2013 has come near to uS =)
I appreciate all the thingS that i had went through along 2012 ...^^

IN 2013,
I will be as normAl
Be what i want
Be happy
Be cheerful
Be myselF 
Be positive thinker !!!

All the best to u all !!!
GaMbAtEh oh ^o^
HappY nEw YeAr !!!

Monday, 24 December 2012

mEaNINgfUL dAy =D

An unforgettable dAy i had...
We always will blame that we had no this and that and not appreciAte what we are having...

There are some people who might born with abnormalities, straving, no education chance and etc...

Today a humAn had let mE understand how fortunate am I that i had born safely to this world with care by mY deArest daddY and mummY  =)

A tears that i saw from hiM had shows mE that how suffer is hiM and he can't verbalise it...
A little sound of cry from hiM indicates that he'll bE strOng to facE the challenge...
A little movement from his hands had prove thAt he is in pAin and hE can't tell it...
Every breAth that he inhale and exhale had prove that he had overcOme the challenge...

Although he just comE to this wonDerful worlD BUT he had overcome a challengE that not everyone of us can understAnd !!!

I believe thAt he will be stronG in future when facing all the challEnges and overcomE thEm with posiTive minD  !!!

And be BravE to overcome all the challenges, there will always someone beside you to suPPort you !!! GaMbAteH  =D

tHANKS to hiM who let me know and assisted hiM wheN he is in suFFer =)
ThanKs TO mY dearesT frenDz who accompany mE celebrate ChRiStMAs eVe >o<

And MeRrY chRiStMAs to all of you  =D

Saturday, 22 December 2012

TiMe mAnAGeMeNt

Recently my mind is full with planning...
But , i didn't take action to do...

 What i do is just...
Always hang the word [ BUSY ] on the side of mouth and i keep on waste my time on watching drama and sleep...
Always find reason to tell myself that i need to relax first...

When come to due date of my assignments i will start to blame that why i don't finish all the things earlier...
Then i'll start to be moody and stress... ...

BUT is more on taking action or not...
hAhAhA !!! 

taken at 21/12/12 @ 1915

eND Of The World =P
Not mY proBlem XD


Friday, 7 December 2012

JiA yOu !!!

I had grown up a lot in lots of situation that i had been...
Everyday different types of things happen around mE...
No matter is Good OR bAd i'll just accept it...

Every events make mE be more mature and gain more experience...
Learn from mistakes...
Learn to bE strong...
Learn to survive in this cruel world !!!
Learn to changes according to thiS worLd !!!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

FrEnDz =D

有时候, 人总想往高处爬...



笑着的生活是我人生中最享受,最不能忘掉的回忆... ...

[朋友们]我想起你们了 !!! =D
I miSS u All FRENDZ !!! 

Saturday, 1 December 2012

nOrmal metAl ???

Recently fEEl so mOOdy...=(
ThinkIng somethig that not reallY belongs to mE...
Haizzz...actuaLLy i'm tryinG to diverT mY mind froM the stupId things...
Sometimes reAlly fEEl likE mY minD is not belongs to mE...
Always thinkinG THAT if i don't think about iT, i cAn forgEt about it...

So i jusT decide tO eat , slEEp , plAy  =p

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Everyday walkinG the same road , the same way to hospital to work and learn to be a student nurse iS my learninG journeY...

Looking at the "hill" that i climbed everyday , it is actually a gooD traininG for mE...

No matter stromy rain / hyper hot weather or even just as normal I'll still continue to face all the problems that i meet and must learn from it...

Most of the peoples will ask mE, will you feel streSS as need to work, need to study, need to rush assignment,need to take exam and even will get scold anytime...

For mE, i had use to the lifE now...
If you ask mE DO i enjoy mY lifE now ? 
 mY ANSWER WILL BE [yes]  =)

Whatever i do i'll DO MY BEST...
Whatever i HAD i'll appreciate...
Whatever i LOST i'll just let it go...

Sunday, 25 November 2012


mY mood today is really beinG tuRn UP & DOWN !!!
Within 12 hours i can have almost 3 episodes of UNHAPPY and also 3 episodes of HAPPY moment...
I really donno what had actually happen to mE...

AM  - went to work and get to do procedure and learn something new (HAPPY)
    -being scold by XXX as i do some mistake which i agree i had did it wrongly (DEPRESS)
NOON -get to do another procedure (HAPPY)
     -went to TC events to collect donation for U.S victims at pasar malAm although is raining, but enjoy it so much !!! (HAPPY)
PM   -back to hostel and being ASK some question that i hate so much (ANGRY)
     -assignments that need to be done together with frendZ make me feel dissapointed. (ANGRY)

I try to balance myself buT i think i fail to do so...
I really nEEd to take a good rest and just slEEp with musicS...
tomorrow is my off day but my timE is all being occupied by workS...

thIs is the truth world i gueSS !!!
i had to face all these stuff and over come all this  !!!
ThAk yOu all who had make me feel angry today as it help mE to become a better person...
Maybe i always wish to do my job perfectly BUT i just want my things to be fully complete and not just half work things...

I'm so soRRy if i made u all angry , i really cant take any responsibilities by not putting effort in it !!! Which show u not respect the mission at all !!!


Thursday, 22 November 2012


In thE middle of thE night,
i closE my eyes and just try to listeN to the  natural musIC around mE...

ThE naturE of the winD and eveN mY heaRT beat sound remind mE that how important is a humaN liFe...

In daily busY lifE ,
wE tendS to forget whY arE herE ...

iS just for fun ???
iS just for working ???
OR just to earn moNeY ???

wHen you faCe problem...
TRY to takE a breAk and flash back your own memory and drEams that yOu HAD made and finD back the reAson for u being here to livE !!!

What ever thinGs that had happen, it always had its reAson behinD it...
alwAys remember to ask yourself [WHY]


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

mInD + PoSitive

In our life there're lots of factors that will affect our mInd.

When we meet the problem we might try to escape OR face the problem EVEN ignore it.

What response we choose is all depends on our own analysis, {TO DO or NOT} is fully controlled in our hands, not others ppls.

SO, once us choose the way to GO on please not to blame others, SmIlE =) and do it with positive thinking and actiOn !!!

DO all the things with ur heart and it will be just finE.

Even sometimes we may fail to achieve our goAl , but at least you had DO ur beSt to prove that u had not give up and learn from the mistakeS...

Monday, 19 November 2012


chOOse a correcT diRectIon =)



Friday, 16 November 2012


TodAY learn how to do chest compreSsion in ICU
FIRST thing that come to mY mind when first heard CPR is just like pressing on a human chest only...
it is actually different.

WHEN do CPR lots of technique need to know and maintain,
as we see, we thought CPR must be fast
is should be maintain at 100 compression/min.

PEOPLE SAY practice makes perfeCT
i know i can dO it when i practice more
and do it with fUll confident.

TODAY is really tired for the learning and practice,
but can gaIn lots of knowledge is the maIn point.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

bAcK tO noRmaL

THaNks muMMy oh !!!

Ermm ... AFTER holiday need to back to normal STN life lo ...
My breakfast before i start to work is muMMy lovely cooked fOOd.
nEEd to back to ICU to work ,
for mE i not really like to work there .
THE reason is : unknown

Although my holiday just finish but i just hope my next holiday can come ASAP =)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

IpOh HoLiDaYsss =D

9/11/12 @ 1900
 On the day reach IpOH !!! 
Just get down from traIn, went home and had my MUM lovely cooked diNNer...=)

10/11/12 handsomE boY
On the second day , after dinner had a walK with my lovely pet [LULU]...

On the thirD day of IpOh , went to had breakfast then went to haPPy shoPPing at [AEON - IPOH PARADE - JUSCO]
On that night we had SUSHI KING as dinner..=P

yuMMy LAksa =)

Then come to SUNDaY , we had laksa...rojak...sotong kangkung as lunch, dinner and also suPPer...=P

Had high tea with my secondary ScOuT frendZZZ @ 1500 !!!
After that had a short rouNd at OlD ToWn IpOh ...
bought kAyA puff , cartoon bun , dumpling , and much much others biscuitssss... =P  =P  =P

Ermmmmmmmmmm......gonna back to the hell lol !!!
Really had nice short holidaySSS in ipoh , eat-play-shoPPing !!!
thAnks a lot to my dearest daddy and mummy for spendinG time and effort with mE... ><

muMMy nice food with bak-ku-teh

Saturday, 10 November 2012

FiNaLlY come to an END

3/11/12 AM-my sister CONVO

3/11/12 PM-CON night
Too tired to update blog recently, but now is better as my assignments and journal had finish half of it...
FLASH BACK ON THE DAY 3/11/12 (busy dayS)
In the morning i wear dress and a shoes with "heel" to attend my sisiter's convo at serdang...
After the convo i need to rush back to PJ to attend my college NigHt...
In the evening i wear man look for performance and the rest of the events...
JUST TO SAY i looks like an actor more than a studentnurse...=P  

wILL continue update BLOG soon . . .

Saturday, 27 October 2012


Today after work went out to Midvalley with my dearest college friends...
Our aim is to find dress for our CON NIGHT dinner...
Shopping until legs cramp then wait until lastly only found suitable clothes...=p
Then we had ASAM LASAK as diNNer...YuMMy !!!

todAy conclusion IS tired...>o<

Thursday, 25 October 2012

EnJoY ur LiFe



相信會有另一扇門為你而打開... ...=)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Our life can be free can be fully packed or being free...
It's all depends on how you choose to go through ur life...
Either be free or be busy...

Sometimes we may choose to be as free as possible without carry any responsible
BUT you'll gain nothing by just sitting there and waiting others to instruct you to do so...

However when you are in the place where need to carry up the responsible of certain mission, you'll think and plan wisely...
Although mistakes may happen, at least you learn from it and figure out the solution rather then waiting someone to solve it for u...

That's the correct way of learning and train yourself become more mature...

Maybe in the process you'll blame yourself WHY SHOULD I CARRY THIS MISSION WHY CAN'T OTHERS DO SO...
BUT must always remember that the benefits is gain from your own learning not from others mouth...
It's own development and it will become an experience that actually help you a lot in future... ...

< Do not ask for less responsibility to be free and relaxes--ask for more strength >
JuSt have a break when u're stressed up =)

Sunday, 21 October 2012


  Finally we had make it sucessful GirLs!!!
Our effort won't be wasted, everyday begin practice until 2 midnight then need to continue work either AM or PM shift...
We had go through happiness, tears, anger and even tirednes...all these will be our memory and will be keep in heArt 4ever !!!
Really appreciate the haRd work & sacrifice that u all had giveN !!!
Let's GaMbATeh 2gather !  !  !  =D

  Tzu Chi international refugee sports day !!!
Really had GONE through a meaningful weekend with TC events...
I had involve in the macher team, leading the children and be with them in the field...=)
Although just a small sports day but we all had sucess the sports day event by helping each other and gain cooperation from each other.
All of us become dark after the lovely sport day BUT a MEMORABLE memory is kept in our heart...

After the event tHaNks a lot for BABA & MAMA for bringing us to enjoy lunch at Organic Express !!! It's so kind and nice that u all had been giving so much care to us...TQ & GAN EN  =)

*Be happy for what we had, don't wish for unnecessary thingS that is not really needed ... ...*

Monday, 15 October 2012

HuMaN bEINgs !!!

Coming few week i gonna be hyper busy as my college events coming non-stop...
Although just started 2 days of working , but i feel like exhausted...
After work need to practice dance until late night then the other day need to work as morning shift...
I really lack of time to chase my dramaSSS and even answer my mummy's phone call...

Working as a group must have lots of argue, but some how if you did nothing wronG and there's someone who talk behind you just IgnoRe the fellow...
As long as you know what you are doing is right, be yourselves and think [POsiTiVe] ...
GOD will know all the things...
Ermmm____actually i'm telling all this to myself...><

Just pray hard that everythings will be FINe ! ! !

Saturday, 13 October 2012

TerriblE SaTuRdAy =(

Bday present from HK =)

After exam i suppose to be haPPy, but i fail to do so...
today i really undergo terriblE streSS + yesterday didn't slEEp for the whole nighT... ...
1. Exam question unpredictable
2. my roster not beinG up
3. being throw just like a ball
4. Eat maggi for 2 meals
5. eVents packed like Xss XXXe

Really speechless for all thingS that i badly experience today... ...
until i did lots of "StUpid" actionS 2day...
Arghhhhhhhhhh  !!!

Thursday, 11 October 2012

mY bIrThDaY 2012

thankS a lot to dear frendZ

<<<<< HapPy BirThDay to mE =D
mY BiRtHdAy
1. thanks a lot to my mum and dad for thE care
2. thanks God for giving mE everythinG
3. thanks for all the wishes froM mY dearest friends
4. thanks for the Bday songs by my groupmateS
5. thanks for the Bday presentS
6. Special thankS for the lOvELy and Cute DORAEMON cake >o<

Although mY Bday falls on semester final exam , i will still enjoy it as its just happeN once a year...=P
thanKS a lot to my groupmates and senior  CrysTAL for the cute DorAeMoN cake...^^
I'll not forget you all  <-Manda-Susan-Grace.F-Grace.L-Teresa-Jessie-Ling yun-Sha mae-Janice-Vivian-Sharmaine-Wiki-Siow-Tze theng-Yap-Angelina-Cindy-Crystal-Kee-Leong-> for celebratinG my Bday although is in ExAms

 >>> mY Bday wish is a SECRET which related to my DrEaM =)
no maTTer how tough gonna be in my journey to mY dream i'll still continue and overcomE all the challenges...

Ermmm...i think i need to continue studY for exaM...
God bless for 2moro O&G paper...=)
Really appreciate all the eventS happen today  >o<

mY Bday cake 2012

Monday, 8 October 2012

wEEKends =)

 My weekend suppose to study for TEST 3 non-stoP !!!
BUT i fail to do so...=P
Saturday after had afternoon nap i went out to DIGITAL MALL with Vivian then we had our deliCiOus dinner at BEBE RECIPE RESTAURANT...=D
She bought mE a piece of cake as my earlY Bday present >o< TQ so much !!!
thaNkS !!!

  <<<<<<< i bought a NEW card reader as a gift for mY Bday  ^^

After back from a short walK as relaxation of stresS i plan to study at MIDNITE...
BUT "sleepy" date mE even earlier...XD
Then i end up study for only 2 hours on SaTuRdAy...=(((

On SuNdAY, i set my alram to wake up 0830
BUT i end up with wake up at 1100 !!!
BrEAkfASt = bread + COffEE
LUnCh = porridge + mummmy ikan BiliS =)
DiNnER = fried rice + egg

MY sunday is full with sleepy mOOd and study about CaDiOvAsCuLAr @.@

wHEN come to evening time, i had a SHOCK that >>>>>>
Oh gosh !!! i nearly forget that i had assignment that need to be present on MoNdAy =.=///

mY table is full with noteS and my sunDaY nite end with rushinG assignment...<@=@>

Friday, 5 October 2012

ExAm WeEk

tiReD... ...
Its exam week !!!
Assignments + Revisions class + Dotors lecture = DaMM stress
Most of us think that nurse just serve patient by cleaning them, do some simple checking, serve medication and etc...
Have u all try to know how suffer that we need to do in college to STUDY + PRACTICAL work in hospital...

We study all about the disease although we're not doctor
We study all about medications although we're not pharmacist
We study all about diet although we're not dietician
We study all about surgery although we're not surgeon
We study all about laboratory findings although we're not lab staff
We assist client to ambulate and perform exercise in their recovery stage although we're not physiotherapist

WE study all about the abnormal changes that happen in humans body be4 a human begin born until the human is death... ...
BESIDES that we need to understand and keep on practice all the practical procedure until we well know about them...
EVERY month having exam about everythings that all related to a human...
WE treat and serve client with care, with heart, with quality and ensure that no harm to client... 
BEING a nurse is not as easy as we see...


I am proud that i'm a STUDENT NURSE and i believe that i can overcome all the challenges that given to mE until i sucess in my lifE !!!
WoRkInG hArD tO rEaCh My drEAm until a puzzlE that belongs to mE beinG combine 2gether by my OWN hardwork ... >o<

Monday, 1 October 2012

2 haPPy dayS =D

Went out to enjoy for two days with my college's frendZ.

1st day (29/9/12) SaTurDay

After class we gather at office 1500hrs , all of us just wear black t-shirts with shorts, COZ we are going to beach...=)
THEN, off we go to SEPANG GOLD COAST with seniors.
On the way, we EAT = PLAY = SHOUT = TAKE PHOTO = also slEEp...=)
Within this 2 hours journey, we make lots of jOkE, although cominG tuesday we are having OSCE , we just 4get about it and enjoy +++ =D
On arrival, the first thing we did is take photoSSS along the beach...
What ever is avaible over there we just take all the photosss...
U know what, i LOVE sunsEt view...>o<
At almost 1800hrs , mE and CiNdY "act" like went to toilet , actually we had prepared Bday cake and ReD eggs for LING YUN as early celebration of her Bday on monDay...=)
Bday cake =D

After Bday songs we play around with the creamS and splash on her face , mE and CiNdY running away from LiNg yUN after we do so...^^
Also 2gether we catch LiNg YuN and throw her in the sea...>m<
mE and frendZ
Slowly we target them one BY one and last all of us being wet except TeNg TeNg (she just recover from sick) & ShA mAe (secret reason)...=)
sAnD with my hands and foots print =)

<<<<<i play with sands and also mini crabs =p

After playinG we went to shower.
That's mE after shower...>>>>>>>>>>

Lastly, we had a nice walk at the beach after YuMmY STEAMBOAT dinner...^^

<<<<<<<<<LOVE candles...

CuTe and NiCe seashell >>>>>>>>>

Our day enD with happiness + tiredness + enjoy = StReSS realeased...=D
                                             29/9/12 Sepang Half Day Trip END =)

2nd day (30/9/12) SuNdAy

All of my group girls of TTCL COM went for a event <Walk A Mile> at TAMAN TASIK TITIWANGSA, KL...
All of us gather at 0630hrs and depart at 0645hrs...=)

It's a event which promote about HEALTH...

All of us enjoy walkinG and also the performance over there...
ALSO happy that we get the BaLlOnS ...=D

eNd with happiness + tiredness...=p

<<<<<<<<<<<<<< taKen WheN walking ><

one WORLD, one HOME, one HEART

aT the evening i hang oUt with my frendZ to SUNWAY PYRAMID to have diNNer  =)
Then back to college to practice proceDuRe... ...

howevER my miD-Autumn Festival again cant celebrate with my LoVeLy family...=(
lOOking at the full mOOn i feel so loneLY without my daddY, mummY,sisterS beside mE...
Before go to bed, my tearS had out on my FACE as my 2011+2012+2013 Bday wont have chance to celebrate at IPOH with family...='((
COZ my bday will always fall on semester final ExAm... ...
I just pray hard that other festival i can go HOME...=)
                                   30/9/12 Walk A Mile event + Sunway Pyramid END

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

mOOdY =(

tOday super mOOdy, feel like wanna kill everyone around mE...
Why must my life so sufferING , test 3 , OSCE , ceremony dance and also most of us in claSS get influenza A...
I just wanna be a normal college student...but i'm not...=(

<<<<<  HEMATOMA happens on mY knee =(


ActuaLLy life can be full with colour , but my lifE todaY just like BlaCk & WhItE... =(((
I Wish to be strong
I Wish i can hold my tears
I Wish i can face all the challenges strongLy
BUT can I ???

EvEn MySELF also don'T knoW...

          i jUST WanNA bE In My HOME... ...

Sunday, 23 September 2012

LoVeLy SuNdAy

TodaY is loveLy sunDay... =D
YesterDay practice procedure for 6 hours oh !!! =(
TheN toDay sleep for 10 hours...
Wake up and eat then slEEp again...XD

Althuogh i knoW exaM is just around the corner,
BUT i'm to lazy to stuDy...
I just wanna eat and slEEp like DoRaEmON...=P

ReLaX On SUndAy oh ! ! !

Friday, 21 September 2012

OuTinG wiTH my DeArS FrendZ. . .

 Today went to MidValley after class with my dearS FrendZ. jUST out from college the "CUTE" promoter of RiBeNA promotes to us about the new flavour of their product...
my CoNclUsiOn is the drinks is too SWEET ah...=p

When we reach MidValley we saw lots of mooncakes, i wish to buy DoRaEmOn mooncakes but it's to eXpAnSiVE lol. . . =( 

Then we went to "Rak Thai" restoran to have our dinner...
The "Tom Yam Gai" soup is just sssooo spicy to taste...@.@
the Tom Yam Fried rice and Pineapple Fried rice is just nice to taste...=D

After dinner we buy SnAcKs as the soup is to spicy and make us feel +++ hungrY...

Last but no least, desserts AFtER dinneR...
TuMmY + NiCE 

afteR thAt I also bought suShi AND poPia for supper + tomorrow lunch...
Not only that, BUT also chickEn Puff + hotDog breaD..

ToDaY my suMMary is = mY tuMMy is ArOuNd mY Waist aahhh ! ! !
But I enjOY ReleaSEing streSS by EaTInG... ( >m< )