An unforgettable dAy i had...
We always will blame that we had no this and that and not appreciAte what we are having...
There are some people who might born with abnormalities, straving, no education chance and etc...
Today a humAn had let mE understand how fortunate am I that i had born safely to this world with care by mY deArest daddY and mummY =)
A tears that i saw from hiM had shows mE that how suffer is hiM and he can't verbalise it...
A little sound of cry from hiM indicates that he'll bE strOng to facE the challenge...
A little movement from his hands had prove thAt he is in pAin and hE can't tell it...
Every breAth that he inhale and exhale had prove that he had overcOme the challenge...
Although he just comE to this wonDerful worlD BUT he had overcome a challengE that not everyone of us can understAnd !!!
I believe thAt he will be stronG in future when facing all the challEnges and overcomE thEm with posiTive minD !!!
And be BravE to overcome all the challenges, there will always someone beside you to suPPort you !!! GaMbAteH =D
tHANKS to hiM who let me know and assisted hiM wheN he is in suFFer =)
ThanKs TO mY dearesT frenDz who accompany mE celebrate ChRiStMAs eVe >o<
And MeRrY chRiStMAs to all of you =D
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